An outstanding photograph pleases the eye and engages the brain.
The arrangement of the lines, shapes and colors that make up the composition of an image is responsible for catching and pleasing the viewer’s eye. For me it is the primary property of a photograph, to the point where it can reduce the role of the subject to that of an accessory. This is similar to abstract paintings where the arrangement of the lines, shapes and colors itself becomes the subject.
There also needs to be a story that rouses the viewer's brain to action and educates. Visual art, including photography, is the most fundamental form of education, which constitutes a responsibility for the artist to keep it simple and tell the truth.
Whenever we look at a picture, even while being in a crowd, we are alone with that picture. It’s a very personal moment, almost like a relationship, and I want this moment to be wonderful and lasting for the viewer.
Those are, in simple words, my goals in photography. I invite you to visit this site often to view new work and follow my journey toward meeting those goals.
Thank you for your interest.
Peermann Fine Art Photography dba PEERMANN CREATIVE
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